My Story
My own healing journey began in my teens with some counseling and continued into my 20s when I went to see a Nutritionist for the first time as I'd been feeling very low. After following her plan, my gut was healed, my mood restored and I had my mojo back!
This initiated my lifelong love for Nutrition and in understanding how to look after our bodies and our well-being.
In my 30’s, after 3 miscarriages and while going through IVF to have our son, I was guided to re-train as a Registered Nutritionist. I "knew" that if I switched paths and changed the direction of my life, I would get pregnant, and sure enough, the IVF worked!
During my Nutrition training, which I loved! I became aware of a “gap” in true healing if we only address the biochemical side of us, i.e. solely nutrition.
What about the emotional and energetic part of us as human beings? We're not just a bunch of cells, tissues and chemical pathways!
We have feelings and experiences that play a huge part in shaping and creating us.
Then I discovered the EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and the gap was no more!
I began my EFT training in 2021 and quickly felt as though I had been practicing it my whole life. I was blown away by the powerful results of such a gentle technique. It's life-changing and has helped me to gently acknowledge and heal large parts of my shadow.
In early 2023 I found Matrix Reimprinting which while using EFT, takes it to a whole different level. The results are profound and I love it!
I have been on a journey of Spiritual awakening since trying to conceive my son. I've had to look at the parts of me that were crying out to be healed, to become a better version of myself and help him into the world.
More recently and since discovering EFT, I have become more and more interested in the energetic and spiritualness of us, as beings. How all of the parts of us work dynamically together. And how by understanding the full nature of our souls, from a higher perspective, can lead us to massive transformation.
I love what I do. It's an honour.
Our shadow side is beautiful and I cherish holding the space to allow my clients to unravel, acknowledge, heal, and let go of the parts of them that are ready to be released.
This creates space and a higher vibration, for them to step into their power and shine their innate light out into the world. For themselves. for their families and for all us.